The vision behind IGNOU




The vision behind IGNOU, its thrust areas, its pedagogy and major milestones since 1985

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), established by an Act of Parliament in 1985, has continuously striven to build an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive education. It has tried to increase the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) by offering high-quality teaching through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode. The University began by offering two academic programmes in 1987, i.e., Diploma in Management and Diploma in Distance Education, with a strength of 4,528 students.

Today, it serves the educational aspirations of over 3 million students in India and other countries through 21 Schools of Studies and a network of 67 regional centres, around 2,667 learner support centres and 29 overseas partner institutions. The University offers about 228 certificate, diploma, degree and doctoral programmes, with a strength of nearly 810 faculty members and 574 academic staff at the headquarters and regional centres and about 33,212 academic counsellors from conventional institutions of higher learning, professional organisations, and industry among others.

International Division

The International Division promotes the academic programmes of the University outside India through collaboration and partnership with government agencies, open universities and international organizations. The Division also provides pedagogical and technological support to Overseas Study Centres in the delivery of

Overseas Study Centres

In order to provide effective student support, IGNOU has established partnerships with educational institutions outside India which function as Overseas Study Centres with designated coordinators. The Centre for Open and Distance Education, which is a not-for-profit organization, is the Overseas Study Centre in Kenya.  A Study Centre has the following major functions: Promotion of academic programmes, Information and advice, Students registration,  Students support services, Coordinating tutorial/counselling, and  e-Library

Academic Programmes

The University offers a wide range of Programmes both short-term and long-term leading to Certificates, Diplomas, Undergraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Degrees and Doctoral Degrees, which are conventional
as well as innovative. Doctoral Programmes are however currently offered on a full or part-time basis in India. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial survey of the demand for such programmes. They are launched with a view to fulfill the learner’s needs for: Certification, Improvement of skills,  Acquisition of professional qualifications, Continuing education and professional development at work place, Self-enrichment, and diversification and update of knowledge. 
Through the Centre for Open and Distance Education, the University is currently offering the programmes in Kenya.

Programme Duration

The minimum period of completing the programme is as indicated. However, a longer period of study is permitted for all programmes.

Programme Delivery

The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that of the conventional universities. The Open University system is more learner-oriented and the learner is an active participant in the pedagogical (teaching and learning) process. Most of the instructions are imparted through distance, e-learning and occasional face-to-face counseling. 
The University follows a multimedia approach for instruction which comprise: Self-instructional online or printed material, Counseling sessions, Teleconferences, Practical/project work, e-Learning  and Virtual conference

University Rules

It is important that applicants ensure that they understand the University rules and regulations before signing the enrolment forms which are part of their contract with the University and include a requirement that they abide by the regulations. The University reserves the right to change rules from time to time. However, the latest rules will be applicable to all the students irrespective of the year of registration.

Evaluation System

The system of evaluation in IGNOU is also different from that of conventional universities. IGNOU has a three-tier system of evaluation, which involves: Self-assessment exercises within each unit of study, Continuous evaluation mainly through Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs), practical assignments and seminar/workshops; and  The Term-End Examinations (TEE) and/or project work

Term-End Examinations

The programmes have been divided into two semesters every year: January to June and July to December. Consequently, there are two examinations every year: one in June and the other in December


  • Flexible Admission Rules
  • Nationwide Student Support Services Network
  • Resource Sharing, Collaboration & Networking with other Universities
  • Individualised Study Flexibility in Terms of Place, Pace & Duration
  • Cost Effective Programmes
  • Programmes Based on Students Need Analysis

IGNOU Core Values


The University democratizes education by opening it to all sections of society by cutting across age, caste, class, gender, region, ethnicity, language and religion. It offers opportunities for higher education to those sections of society who have been denied access due to life circumstances.


The university promotes inclusive education by cutting acrross barriers of disability, age, gender, caste, creed, ethnicity, religion and region. It also caters to the educational needs of marginalized sections of society such as sex workers, jail inmates, PWD and trans-gendered people.


The University being a pioneer in open and distance is committed to setting benchmarks in all spheres of its activities such as programme design and development; preparation of self-learning material; organization and implementation of learner support; and of educational technologies


The University offers higher education at affordable costs to learners Who have not been able to access education due to high costs and lack of resources


The University provides academic flexibility by removing barriers to entry, place and pace of learning and leveraging interaction through seamless teaching-learning experiences using educational technologies.

Life-long learning

The University customizes its programmes to the needs of its diverse learners and provides a learner-centric pedagogy to support life-long learning using a multi-media approach.