Our History

Our History

Road Map

The College of Human Resource Management (CHRM) is a leading academic institution in Kenya, offering a wide range of programs in Human resource management, Accounting, Marketing, Supplies management business management, ICT, Cyber Security, Community Development, and much more. We are committed to providing our students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the global job market.

We are committed to developing the human resource required for the management of people at the workplace, in both the public and private sectors of the economy. Hence, our courses aim at preparing and equipping students with required knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to deliver HR services at various hierarchical levels of the organization.

From feedback received from employing organizations and other stakeholders, CHRM graduates have been found suitable in carrying out a wide range of strategic and operational activities in the human resource (HR) function. It is therefore not surprising that a good number of the graduates hold senior positions in the industry and the public service. Others are offering HR training and consultancy services as independent consultants to meet the rising demand for such services.

CHRM is located in the Nairobi Central Business District (Campuses at Hazina Trade Centre, 13th Floor, and 3rd floor of Caxton House). It offers courses from Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma levels as well as Certified Professional programs in both HR Management and other Business Management related programs. These are examined and certified externally both locally and internationally by Examination Bodies like HRMPEB, KNEC, KASNEB, KISM, CIC-UK, and most recently the security programs by CDACC.

Also located at Hazina Trade Centre on 13th floor, is the very specialized award winning William Gitobu Memorial Library, named after the first Executive Director of the Institute.  The Library has several information resources, which can be grouped as Books, Electronic Journals, print journals, as well as CDs/DVDs. As a center of intellectual human resource management (HRM) inquiry, the CHRM William Gitobu Memorial Library aspires to be the most dynamic learning resources environment and a leading library in HRM and related areas. The Library ensures that its collection remains forward-looking, diverse in breadth and form, up-to date, and of world-renowned quality. Through CHRM website (www.chrm.or.ke) the Library makes people aware of the resources available to them, and through innovation, it makes access to these resources easier.

The College offers flexible study modes to meet all the student’s needs at their convenience. Some classes are on fulltime basis while others are on part-time. Part time study options include sunrise (6:30am – 8:00am) class, lunch hour, evenings (5:30pm – 8:00pm) and Saturdays only classes. Another mode of study is distance learning whereby students are provided with learning resources to read at their own convenience. Whichever mode of study the students select, they are expected to take both external and internal examinations to test their mastery of the knowledge and skills acquired. The flexible approach to transfer of knowledge has enabled CHRM to produce professionally qualified HR professionals who are providing required HR services to meet the needs of employing organizations.

The College faculty is composed of both academicians and HR practitioners who blend the theory and practice of HR to enable students appreciate the relationship between HR concepts and the realities at the workplace.
Most faculty members possess master’s degrees and Ph.D.s, with several actively pursuing their Ph.D. qualifications. CHRM is proud of the contribution that the faculty has made towards ensuring that the College achieves outstanding best results in the KNEC and HRMPEB examinable programs in HR in the last few years.

Other than HRM courses, CHRM is an accredited ICDL training and testing centre with fully equipped Computer Labs and a ICDL Testing facility. It was also recently accredited (2019) by the Institute of Certified Safety and Security Professionals of Kenya (ICSSPK) to offer the TVET-CDACC Safety and Security programs. CHRM is also an Accredited training center by both KASNEB and KISM (Kenya Institute of Supplies Management) to offer their business related programs.

At any one time, CHRM has over 2,000 students undertaking various programs, and efforts are made continuously to ensure quality HR professional education to produce competitive HR professionals that can work anywhere in the global market.

Other than being accredited by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVET), we have also been accredited as a Training Provider by National Industrial and Training Authority (NITA/TRN/996) to offer Executive Short Training Programs.