CPA Joseph Ouma

CPA Joseph Ouma

CPA Joseph Ouma


Board Member


He is a Financial and Management Consultant with Charles, Joshua & Associates, Certified Public Accountants of Kenya; an organization providing financial advisory and auditing services. He has over 25 years of work experience in the manufacturing and education sectors. Previously, he served 15 years in senior management as Head of Finance, ICT, Procurement and Administration at Kenya Institute of Management. His role involved maintaining sound financial management, ensuring adherence and compliance with stipulated laws, procedures and audits.
He served in the Board of Directors of the Kenya Institute of Management, and as the Secretary of the Finance and Investment Committee of the Board. He was also a member of the Finance, Human Resource, ICT & Procurement Committee of Management University of Africa, a subsidiary of the Kenya Institute of Management.


  • Prudent financial management that spurred business continuity, growth and expansion of KIM’s presence locally and internationally.
  • Championed and delivered a World Bank USD 4M funded program under the Kenya Youth Empowerment Program in collaboration with Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) through the Ministry of Trade and Industrialization. His role was key in providing leadership and prudent financial decisions during the execution of the program. Over 100,000 youth received training in the two-year phased program during the years 2010 to 2013.
  • Led the technical team in the establishment of the SME department within the Institute and provided financial guidance in the execution of SME programs.
  • Stirred the execution of Jitihada – a World Bank funded national project for SMEs that was implemented across the country in partnership with the Ministry of Trade and Industrialization during the years 2008 to 2010.
  • Implemented an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that improved finance processes and overall organizational efficiency.
  • Championed the development and institutionalization of the Risk Management Framework of the Kenya Institute of Management.
  • Managed key partnerships and collaborations, for example, with the Government of Kenya, the Human Leadership Academy, Institute of Six Sigma, donors, among others.
  • Key negotiator in all financial contracts.
  • Managed relations with financiers, suppliers, and key stakeholders.
  • Project member of the team that steered the development of the KIM University Proposal to the then Commission for University Education, which saw the realization of the Management University of Africa.

Contact Info

Hazina Trade Centre, 13th Floor.

P.O Box 4322-00200
Nairobi, Kenya


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